Why Made On Demand?

Almost all of our science and chemistry jewelry and t-shirts are made on-demand. How come?
πŸ‘‰ We have many reasons, here is a list of the most important.

The Upside of Made On Demand

  1. Making science jewelry and t-shirts on demand reduces shipping distances. This is because we only have to ship the things once (from production to you, instead of from production to a warehouse and from there to you). And also because we can print your chemistry t-shirt closer to you.
  2. Making our science products on-demand reduces waste. This is on one hand because we only ship once. On the other hand, we also won’t overproduce anything, because if for example, a particular molecule ring doesn’t sell well we simply don’t make it very often.
  3. Making everything on-demand reduces risk. Because we don’t have to make everything in bulk and in advance we can be more creative and design products we really like instead of products we think will sell well. More new cool geeky necklaces for you!
  4. Making our nerdy things on demand most of the time is cheaper. This is because we don’t have to pay twice for shipping and handling and we don’t need a big warehouse to store our things. All those energy and waste savings add up – and we give those savings back to you πŸ™‚

The Downside

  1. Certain products might be more expensive because we do not make them in bulk.
  2. You will have to wait a little longer until you get your serotonin & dopamine ring than what you are used to.
  3. For certain products (only 3D-printed jewelry), taxes apply when you order to the EU. However, it is still cheaper for you than if we were to import the jewelry separately and send it to you afterward (and it’s also much faster). In these cases, we have added a note in the product description.

tl;dr Good for you, good for us, good for the planet. You will have to wait longer than what you are used to, until you can wear your new molecule hoodie.

Learn more about how we make our science jewelry and clothing on-demand here.

If you want to keep up to date with our production and product news, either sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Instagram.

Chemistry mugs getting readied for sublimation.
Mugs being prepared for sublimation – this is how our periodic table mugs are getting printed.